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Topics - rreegan

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Boxer Discussions & Pictures / A couple of Boxer sheep herding pictures
« on: January 26, 2008, 08:15:03 pm »
i put up a couple in response to the request in a reply on the remodeling your house for a dog thread, but here are a couple more.  There is a video on Youtube of her instinct test if you search for Pip, Boxer, herding.

thanks for your interest.  There are lots of non-herding breeds that herd sheep well.  It's fun and gives you and your dog a job to do together.

Hi there.  I am new to the list and I hope I qualify...I actually have medium size dogs!!!  Boxers!  Will I qualify, because they make a big dog mess??? 

I was searching the internet for pantrys designed to house dogs too or rooms in the house that are dogs rooms, and came upon this list.  It is great!!!

I have two Boxers, one is a sheep herding boxer, the only one in the US with sheep herding titles, and I mention that only because she is a driven and BUSY girl.  Always "working", so, well, suffice it to say, our home sounds just like all of yours.

BUT, we are in the design stage of a BIG remodel to, you guessed it, accommodate living with our dogs first, and visitors SECOND.  Have you ever wanted to redo your whole home so you could live like a human being, but have your dogs in every room as comfortably as possible for THEM?

Would anyone like to post what they would do to their home if they were redoing it from scratch to make it easier to for your dogs to let you live with them?...LOL!

One area we are having trouble figuring out, is the laundry/dog room.  In reality, my husband (who was the one, 20 years ago, who wanted Boxers, so we have always lived with them) is allergic!  So, he romps with them of course, but has to be pretty diligent about cleaning up or his skin reacts. 

So the reason we are finally remodeling is to get rid of carpets, so he can breath better and install a really good hepa system.  But the issue is having a room that will open out onto a large dog kennel at the side of the house, but that the room will be a place the dogs can come back into for warmth etc., and the room can house a dog fridge (we feed raw) and beds (though they have beds in every other room in the house too, of course) and all their stuff, but...we are thinking the laundry room might be too much in terms of having clothing where they sleep etc. in terms of allergy issues…

We need the room to play double duty in terms of space.  If we ever sell the house, we should be able to call it something other than the dog room!  But I think that is what it is going to be and we will just put laundry hook ups in it now and move the laundry there if we sell.

Anyway, if you were designing your perfect "DOG ONLY" room, what would it include?  Thought it might be fun to dream with this list...Thanks!


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