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Messages - maxsmom

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Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: drool question
« on: November 14, 2007, 02:40:25 am »
Our Pyr drools almost all the time.  I also keep reading and hearing that Pyrs are not food motivated but Jake sure is.  All my dogs are.  And no there are giant breeds that don't drool.  Our Wolfhound does not drool.  He leaks when he drinks at the bowl only.  Even if he is very hot and panting there are no "icycles" hanging around.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / New to BPO
« on: November 12, 2007, 12:12:56 pm »
Hello all,
I would like to introduce myself and our crew.  Max 1.5 y/o IW, Jake 1.5 y/o Pyr, Cody 3 y/o Tibetan Mastiff, John 6 y/o Maine Coon, Nicki 4 y/o Maine Coon.  Yeah, I know John and Nicki are cats, but they are "big" cats with big paws for cats.  Anyway, I hope to learn a lot here and have some fun.  Thanks

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